⦿ Биджа Мантра ХАМ (ХУМ), Активация пятой чакры Вишуддха • Bija HUM Vishuddha Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra Healing The fifth chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the Larynx. This is the reason this chakra is also called the Throat Chakra. The energy element governed by this chakra is effective communication. It also represents inspiration and expression. Vishuddha Chakra establishes a strong connection to both verbal and body language. The Sanskrit word ‘vishuddha’ means purifying the body from harmful substances. The Throat Chakra restores the energy by detoxifying the impurities from the body and mind. Unhealthy food and polluted air block the Throat Chakra. An active Vishuddhi Chakra contributes to the preservation of health. The Throat Chakra is associated with the color bright blue. Blue energy is pure, soothing, calming, and healing and connects a person with the divine. The element of space defines the Throat Chakra. Emotions can only expand when there are space and freedom. The seed mantra of Vishuddha Chakra is Hum. ............ Вишу
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