Blender with Stable Diffusion XL Tutorial - Oil painting - Christmas party - img2img

Please like and subscribe, If you have enjoyed watching this tutorial. Thank you for watching. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (Indoor Christmas party full of people), (Visible brush marks), Silica, oil painting, brush strokes, trend color 2023, meticulously detailed, award-winning painting, 8K, Impressionism Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality, normal quality:1.8), mismatching eyes, bad eyes, weird faces, creepy faces, ugly faces, distorted nose, missing eyes, distorted facial features, bad mouth, distorted eyes, bad philtrum Steps: 10, Sampler: DPM 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2745970547, Size: 1360x768, Model hash: 7aeb39d059, Model: BaseXLModelV2, VAE hash: 63aeecb90f, VAE: , Denoising strength: 0.9, Version: Please use any available models to generate an image with Stable Diffusion. :) Here is Blender’s official tutorial playlist on Youtube.
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