Happy New Year 2024! 🎉 Create Stunning Title Images Stable Diffusion & Automatic 1111 | Workflow

Happy New Year, everyone! As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, I’m thrilled to share a special end-of-year video with you all. Join me, Xerophayze, in this festive and informative session where we not only celebrate the New Year but also dive into a concise workflow tutorial. In this video, I’ll guide you through creating an eye-catching title image - perfect for your New Year’s projects or any creative endeavor. We’ll cover lettering, correcting the lettering through inpainting, and then upscale the image to its final form, all using the magic of Stable Diffusion and Automatic 1111. Whether you’re an AI art enthusiast or a curious beginner, this tutorial is designed to help you enhance your creative skills as we step into 2024. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let’s create something amazing together! Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more tutorials and AI art insights. Wishing you all a creative and prosperous New Year!
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