All the money from the donations will be spent on the support of a free hostel for the refugees in Lviv, Ukraine
You can get to the hostel by adress Holovatskogo 23v in Lviv. Call 0507200229 reserve sleeping place there.
You can send money here:
PayPal: kievkills@
These are our cards in Ukrainian Hryvna:
Приват - 5168752001286403
Моно - 4441114440976544
Igor Cherepanov
Всі зібрані кошти підуть на підтримку безкоштовного хостелу для біженців у місті Львів.
Надіслати кошти можна сюди:
PayPal: kievkills@
Для надсилання в гривні:
Приват - 5168752001286403
Моно - 4441114440976544
Ігор Черепанов
Messege from Jerome Reuter:
“As most of you may know, I happened to play a few shows in Ukraine just a few days before the invasion. My friend Igor Cherepanov is usually organising and promoting these kind of shows with his Kyiv Kills Concert Agency, but he had to leave Kyiv and is now