The [2nd] Battle of Hoover Dam.

On July 17th 2282, Casear’s legion launched (another) assault on Hoover Dam. As if one battle for Hoover Dam wasn’t enough. The Legion and NCR duke it out a second time. The NCR has an army of some fearsome soldiers. But the legion won’t go quietly. You can count on that. You ought to know.. War.. War never changes.. [This is a Fallout New Vegas meme/edit video.] Movies referenced/used: Platoon x2 Forrest Gump x2 Predator Jack Reacher Rambo First Blood Part 2 Saving Private Ryan Apocalypse Now Inglorious Basterds . Bubba. You will be missed. Shout out to all active duty, retired, wounded, captured, and fallen soldiers. Thank you for your service. 🫡
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