Drawing Manual - Ch.9 - Combining 2D & 3D Observations

Glenn Vilppu - Drawing Manual - Ch.9 - Combining 2D & 3D Observations The reality of drawing is that we draw on a two dimensional piece of paper; the drawing is not a three dimensional object. Up to this point, our efforts have been almost exclusively concerned with creating that three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface. We used a series of tools and procedures that didn’t necessarily rely on the model, but on an analytical and constructive approach to drawing the figure. In drawing from the model, i.e. reality, rather than from imagination or an ideal, we must develop a set of visual tools to help us make that translation from the real three dimensional world (3-D) to the flat two dimensional world (2-D) of the paper. Glenn breaks this down into a series of steps that are easy to understand and apply. Contains: Lecture, demonstration and a model to draw. Vilppu Academy - The internationally renowned drawing courses #GlennVilppu #Drawing #Demonstration
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