White Wedding Solo - Ukulele Play Along with Tabs

🎼 PDF with Tabs & Sheet Music: White Wedding is a rock song by Billy Idol released in 1982. I play the guitar solo on a tenor ukulele with a low G string. It’s transposed from the original B minor to E minor to play it as closely to Steve Stevens as I am able to. I play it at 120bpm in the play along, so you can better see what is going on. In my earlier “Guitar Solo on Ukulele Quiz“ video it is closer to the original speed. If you play it on a baritone in DGBE tuning you can play along to the song in this position. I play the solo alternating between index and middle finger and think it makes for a good exercise to practice alternate picking. Of course you can use different picking approaches, such as using thumb, index, middle and ring for the arpeggio and alternate picking for the final melody or use a pick if you like to. 🎞️ Billy Idol - White Wedding: 🎞️ Steve Stevens Guitar Lesson & Interview: 👕 Get the shirt I’m wearing: 🔗 UkeAlong Links: #UkulelePlayAlong #UkeAlong
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