UK, 50% omicron now

UK, majority of London cases omicron by tomorrow, Link to free download of my 2 textbooks Campbell’s Pathophysiology Notes, Amazon orders for the UK, =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_AYC5Q7G3H2B3T4BCHQY0 Campbell’s Physiology Notes =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_K0MXMAP26Y77TY4J90FB London Omicron, 40% of cases Tomorrow, 50% of cases Boris Johnson At least one UK Omicron death I think the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus, I think that’s something we need to set on one side and just recognise the sheer pace at which it accelerates through the population. So the best thing we can do is all get our boosters. Mr Javid Hospitalisations due to large numbers
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