How to Replace a Honda VTEC Solenoid Gasket

Here’s how to replace a leaking or clogged VTEC solenoid and gasket on the 4 cylinder K24 engine. Leaking a leaking VTEC gasket or clogged/malfunctioning VTEC actuator are a common problem on older Honda’s. The VTEC solenoid mounts to the engine head, and allows the flow of oil into small passages that change the camshaft profiles, causing the engine to perform faster. This is not to be confused with the VTC solenoid, which advances or retards the variable valve timing gear to change engine timing. A video on VTC solenoid replacement can be found here: If your Honda is leaking oil down the passenger side of the engine, the most probable cause is a leaking VTEC solenoid. Oil will drip from the top, down over the oil filter and the side of the drain pan, and in some cases onto the subframe. Significant oil loss can be observed, along with a P1259 VTEC malfunction code. This tutorial demonstrates how to replace the VTEC solen
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