THIS Healing Frequency is for Miracles: 528 hz Tuning Fork

Tuning forks are powerful sound healing tools for delivering the 528 hz healing frequency for miracles and transformations. 528hz is known as the “Miracle Tone,“ “Frequency of Transformation,” and “Love Frequency.” This makes 528 hz an incredible manifestation frequency. It is believed to resonate at the core of our being, promoting balance, healing, and transformation. 🌠 Love this tuning fork audio? Download it now! Listening to this 528 hz pure tone for just 15 minutes a couple times each week is said to help unlock physical and mental health benefits by promoting frequency following response. This creates a profound state of relaxation, which supports healing. As you listen to the gentle vibrations, allow yourself to let go of any stress, worries, or negativity. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath as the 528 hz tuning fork sound guides you into a s
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