I Want To Be In the Illuminati

Just like Madonna and Will Smith. Come see me live: Subscribe to my newsletter: Buy gold: Buy the album here: Shot in the mountains of Palm Springs, California by MM (who wants to remain anonymous, can’t think why … Why is it so many people want to make music videos with me, but almost all of them want to remain anonymous?) This song makes me smile a lot. Hopefully, it will you too. Wonderful music composed and played by the superlative Noah Fleetwood, lyrics by yours Dominic Frisby, recorded and mixed by never-fails-to-deliver Wayne McIntyre. Video edited by Goat Tour dates: London, Crazy Coqs, Wed March 20: Hampshire, Sat March 23: Guildford, Friday April 5: Bath, Sat April 6: Southend, Sun April 14: Subscribe to my newsletter: Buy gold: Buy the album here: Lyrics: I dream of a better future for Me and my family. Though mainly me. I’ll scheme with the rich and powerful. Life would be so easy. I wanna to be in the illuminati. How do you get into the club? I want an invite to an Epstein party Bet it’s even better than the pub. I want to formulate the new world order And join the nought point one percent. I really want to be a duke or lord or Baron in a one world government. They’re known to be prone to pedophilia. Their symbol’s a triangle with an eye. And with Satan they’re familiar 13 pure bloodlines. Yikes, how they like to harvest adrenalin And inject the blood of juveniles It is rumoured they are aliens Some form of reptile. Blessed, such success, is I guess why that some think they’re wizards But no, that’s not so, don’t you know they are shape-shifting lizards? I’ll sell my soul to the illuminati. For lots of glory, wealth and fame. To be a Rothschild, a Du Pont, a Barclay, I’ll do anything I have no shame. How do you get in the illuminati? Be like Madonna and Will Smith Barack Obama, Angelina Jolie? I applied and they replied, “as if”. I want to stop you all from reproducing. Impose population control. I’ll claim that human numbers need reducing, So Bill Gates can vaccinate the prols. I want to be in the same gang as Beyonce. With secret codes and hieroglyphs. I want go to Davos with the nonces. Sacrifice some babies with Sam Smith. I want to operate the banking system, Own all the assets and the land. I want to snigger while the plebs eat insects. Be in the Bilderberg Group And Hang out with former Nazis. Worship the Prince of Darkness. Control the Tory Party. Write songs with Paul McCartney. Be an illuminati man.
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