No Narcissistic Supply? Self-supply or Forced Supply

How does the narcissist cope when he can no longer obtain supply because all his sources have dried up or because he is unable to establish a new PNS owing to external circumstances or to internal constraints (he is covert)? The narcissist then resorts to self-delusion. Unable to completely ignore contrarian opinion and data - he transmutes them. Unable to face the dismal failure that he is, the narcissist partially withdraws from reality. To soothe and salve the pain of disillusionment, he administers to his aching soul a mixture of lies, distortions, half-truths and outlandish interpretations of events around him. These solutions can be classified thus: The Delusional Narrative Solution The Antisocial Solution The Paranoid Schizoid Solution The Paranoid Aggressive (Explosive) Solution The Masochistic Avoidant Solution Find and Buy MOST of my BOOKS and eBOOKS in my Amazon Store:
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