American mercenaries hired by UAE to kill in Yemen - BBC World Service Documentaries

BBC Arabic has secured the first on-camera interviews with US mercenaries from Spear Operations Group, hired by the UAE for targeted killings in Yemen. These mercenaries openly discussed their deadly operations with the BBC. Click here to subscribe to our channel 👉🏽 The investigation brought to light alarming evidence that Spear Operations didn’t just carry out targeted killings; they also trained Emirati officers in assassination techniques. These skills were then used by the Emiratis to target and eliminate Yemeni civilians whom the UAE considered political enemies. Targeted killings in Yemen continue to this day. 0:00 Intro 01:31 American Mercenaries: Killing in Yemen 02:18 Isaac: Hired to kill 04:56 Yemen instability 07:02 Dale: An American Mercenary 09:09 The target: Ansaf mayo 12:03 The reasons for targeting 14:05 The investigator: Baraa Shiban 15:05 UAE’s political enemies 17:05 The assassination ripple
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