“Гречаники“ - антисовєцька народна пісня | “Hrechanyky“ - Ukrainian anti-communist folk song

виконання: Тарас Компаніченко Українська народна пісня про колективізацію і голодомор. Ukrainian folk song about collectivisation and holodomor. *hrechanyky - buckwheat pancakes, ukrainian traditional dish *village counsil - local village authority in USSR *collective farm (or kolkhoz) - state-controlled form of farms in USSR, forcibly introduced in the end 0f 1920s and begin of 1930s instead of private farms. Formally it was in collective ownership, but in fact it was state-owned. *’working day’ - moneyless form of payment to workers of collective farms in 1930s-1970s. 1 ’working day’ usually was salary for 1 day of work, but not necessarily: many people got less, also salary for some type of jobs could be 2 ’working days’ per one day if work required specific qualifications. People couldn’t spend it as they wish, collective farm should pay them with a certain amount of products for each ’working day’ in the end of the year.
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