CGI Animated Short Film: “Rita’s Great Trek“ by The Animation School | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Rita’s Great Trek (Rita se Groot Trek) Animated Short Film by The Animation School. Featured on CGMeetup
Settling down after weeks of trekking through the South African grassland, a little girl who yearns for independence is not yet trusted to leave the confines of the secure campsite. Forced to impatiently wait for her tough loving dad to return, amidst the height of her boredom, the safety of their campsite is compromised. Rita jumps to take matters into her own inexperienced hands, yet as the dust settles, her independence is left hanging by a thread. Stuck between a useless guard dog, a headstrong ox and a sticky place, Rita needs to perform a miracle to get the camp back the way it was before her stern dad returns and she’s bound to face her biggest fear: the wooden spoon.
Credits: -
The Animation School
Chantelle Badenhorst, Janique Viljoen, Alichea Coetzee, Andrea Pienaar, Aphiwe Mlungu, Keelan Sutherland, Bjorn Nightingale, Keelan Sutherland, Liam Raeburn.
SOUND: Ronnie van der Berg
MUSIC: Carlo de Villiers
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CGI Animated Short Film: “Rita’s Great Trek“ by The Animation School | CGMeetup
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