North Korea Quadruple Scud Missile Launch, March 7 2017

경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 조선인민군 전략군 화성포병부대들의 탄도로케트발사훈련을 지도하시였다 Military authorities in South Korea, Japan and the United States all confirmed the launch of four projectiles, which traveled almost 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) towards the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea. One US official said they were intermediate-range missiles. Three landed inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, which extends 200 nautical miles from its coastline, according to international maritime law. The launch underscored the rapid evolution of North Korea’s weapons program, which experts say has begun moving at a faster rate to develop and deploy missiles.
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