≡MMD≡ Kagamine Rin - Power up / Red Velvet [4KUHD60FPS]

☆≫♫♪Original Song: by Red Velvet ☆≫Motion: by Ayame & Misu Tochi ☆≫Camera: by Me. ☆≫Model: Tda Vocaloid Summer Day Rin by Lauraimon ☆≫Stage: ビーチコテージ by まぁぼさん ☆≫Video: by CegooK. ☆≫MME: RayCast Autoluminous LightBloom with DirtMap o_Tonemap_EX o_DLAA_v0_1 IK_Clut IK_Chromatic IK_Rhinestone 4color SvDOF Dust_NPIE NLMeans MLAA MotionBlur Diffusion PostGammaLightVR PostPointLight OpticalFlares
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