WATCH - Well, this is terrifying...
The Army claimed to have had a flying disc in their possession, but 24 hours later they modified their story, claiming that it was actually an experimental high altitude weather balloon, being utilized by the covert US military air force instead. Yet was it? According to reports from the 1970s and 1980s, the military was engaged in collecting alien spacecraft and conducting autopsies on the bodies of aliens found at the crash site. So what are they really hiding? Let’s go back to July 1947, where south of Corona in New Mexico, a rancher named Mack Brazel and his son drove out to check on his cows after a severe storm had swept through the area. As he was going about his day, he spotted what looked to be a long, shallow hole in the ground, with scraps of silver, metal like debris covering up the landscape. Upon closer inspection, the debris appeared to be wreckage of some kind, made up of what looked to be rubber strips, tinfoil, and some tough metallic fabric that was cold to the touch. Mack collected all the debris, loaded it into his truck, and drove back wondering what to make of it, also wondering who, if anyone, needed to know about his findings. Days later, Mack headed down to Roswell and delivered the debris to the local Sheriff’s office, where he met with Deputy George Wilcox. Wilcox, not knowing what to make of the find, contacted the local Roswell Air Base commander, Colonel Blanchard. The report of the debris eventually made its way up the food chain, until it reached the desk of General Roger W. Rammey, commander of the 8th Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas. Within hours, the area where Mack had made the find had been sealed off, and military personnel began foraging the area, looking for remnants that had been missed.
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