MMD Assets
Animation -
Camera -
Music - Title - INTERGALACTIA Artist - IA GLOWB Music/Lyrics - KIRA
Stage - DatMMDGuy - @datmmdguy6013
Skyrim Assets
Outfit - Hex Tenebris( SMP added by me ) - Model by HM (DAZ Studio) - ported to skyrim by CloudBird -
Hair - Shiromi Lori - ported by Hirosin -
(Scaled and re-did smp for Beofuled Keqing race, edited textures also)
Character model - Keqing race by Beofuled -
Particle Field -
ENB - Boris Vorontsov - Let’s Dance Again - Andy14 -
The animation was a quick port, made very few adjustments, so I still have a bit adjust. As for the stage, the equalizer w