Kill Bill Vol 1, but its a No More Heroes 2 Ranking Match
#killbill #nomoreheroes #memes
After having her wedding day and her unborn child taken by the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, Beatrix Kiddo decides to buy a Beam Katana and aim for the top of the Vipers, starting with the 5th ranked Viper! Developed by Tarantino 51
I wanted to get this meme done before the end of the year, to make this the last meme edit of 2022, some corners were cut here and there so I’m not super duper proud of this one, just like how I’m not super duper proud of how any of this year went for me.... 😔 Hopefully 2023 will be better, happy new year!
The Beam Katana 3d model I used: (I had to make the actual beam itself but probably took way less time than the OG artists of the Blood Berry :)
I also screen recorded sounds from TheBlueDragon’s full gameplay of NH2. Apart from Skelter Helter and Destroy Resort, the whole gameplay has 0 music to i
2 months ago 00:15:09 1
2 months ago 00:00:55 1
James Bond v Jason Bourne v Jack Bauer - TOON SANDWICH #funny #crossover #jamesbond #fight #marvel
2 months ago 00:00:58 1
How Joker really got his scars - TOON SANDWICH #funny #dc #marvel #crossover #joker #animation