Comparing David Austin Roses to Kordes Roses | First Impressions | English Roses With German Roses

Well this is my first impressions of seeing David Austin roses alongside Kordes roses and comparing the two. To keep it simple I use just two roses. This is a first impression aswell as a generalisation. There are of course crossovers both ways and I’m not placing one above the other. There is the term English roses that is known throughout the world but German roses perhaps is not something that is known so well, and that for me is a crying shame. Some people may prefer one over the other but in this video I try and explain there can be room for both in many peoples gardens. Theres certainly room for both in my garden. I will touch on this subject again toward the end of the Rose season when perhaps our roses are starting to run out of oomf and drop their leaves. And yes I will be the first to say their are more to English and German roses than David Austin and kordes! I am not sponsored by either and I have zero financial interest in this video, them, or promoting anything they sell
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