Ancient health mantra“Tejo hasi...“ | Sri Chinmoy

Download Sri Chinmoy recites an ancient Sanskrit Health Mantra “Tejo hasi tejo mayi dhehi“ Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s lecture “Beauty“ — University talk in Montana On April 23th in 1974 Sri Chinmoy delivered a lecture, entitled ‘Beauty’, at 9:30 a.m. in the Montana Rooms of the Student Center, at the University of Montana in Missoula, MT, USA. This talk was a part of West Coast lecture tour. “When beauty in the vital dawns, we become energetic, dynamic, progressive and fulfilling. At that time, we pray to the Supreme to inundate our vital with power infinite.“ *** In order to achieve freedom, we need energy, power, and spirit. And for that, here is the mightiest prayer: Tejo hasi tejo mayi dhehi Viryam asi viryam mayi dhehi Balam asi balam mayi dhehi Ojo hasi ojo mayi dhehi Manyur asi manyur
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