«THE LAST EXILE BY USSR» Paruyr Hayrikyan (born July 5, 1949) is an Armenian politician and former Soviet dissident. In Soviet times, he was placed several times in penal labor camps for his activiies and eventually stripped of Soviet citizenship and exiled to Ethiopia after his accusations of Soviet leadership in the instigation of Sumgait pogroms of Armenian population. In Addis Ababa he applied for and was granted asylum by the United States, where he remained for some time. In 1990, following pressure of a group of United States senators led by Bob Dole, Mikhail Gorbachev restored Hayrikyan’s citizenship and allowed him to return. Since then Hayrikyan has taken an active part in Armenian political life. Անկախութեան վերականգման ճանապարհի երգերից. …
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