Scary run and wreck - Live Steam - 3-1/2“ Gauge - 1/16th Scale - 0-4-0 Switch Engine

This is a video I pieced together with the help of a friend of mine showing our most impressive and simultaneously scary engine called Pidge. Our 0-4-0 switch engine which is an Americanized version of an english engine called a Tich. This engine is only 45 lbs., has 3/4“ pistons, 2“ drivers, and runs at 70-100psi, but can still pull an adult... Just barely.... The tender holds a little less than a half gallon of water and your average tea pot holds more water than what fits in the boiler of this engine. The firebox has a grate 2“ square and originally ran on coal, though we’ve adapted it to run on propane. Imagine shoveling coal in this engine at speed through a 1.5““ fire door. Our track at home is easily 2/3rds flat or down hill, but the other third is uphill at a 2.5%-3% grade, with about a 15’ stretch peaking out at 3.6% and a second peak at the top of the track of about 3.4%. The total change in elevation is about 11’. But this engine, if fired well and let run wide open with no interventio
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