McDonald’s “The Future Me (Part 2)“ Japanese Anime Commercial [ENG SUB]

McDonald’s “The Future Me (Part 2)“ Japanese Anime Commercial [ENG SUB] Original video: Script: よいしょっ よしっ Alright! お疲れ様 Good work! 先輩! Senpai! バイト、よろしくね Cover for me while I’m gone, okay? 大丈夫、大丈夫です。お店は私に任せて! Don’t worry! I can take care of it! You can leave this place to me! 先輩は就活頑張ってください Just focus on your job search! ありがとう Thanks. あ、すみません Excuse me. あわわわ・・・! 先輩に習ったこと・・・ Using the things I learned from senpai... ピーク前にポテトの補充お願いします! Please refill the fries before rush hour hits! OK! やるなぁ Not bad, newbie. マックで学んだこと・・・ Using the things I learned working there... まとめてみたんですが、こんなプランはどうでしょう? I’m not sure if this integrates all our ideas, but how about a strategy like this? うん、いいね Hmm, sounds good. 本日はありがとうございました Thank you very much! それはきっと・・・ Those things will surely... せんぱーい! Senpai! 面接どうでした? How’d the interview go? うん! Aced it! よかったぁ! Thank goodness! ちょっとぉ! Hey! ずっと気になってたんですよー。でも仕事集中しなきゃって。なかなか先輩みたいにはできなかったけど、昨日は店長に褒められたんですよ! I was so worried! I could barely focus at work, but I knew I had to fill your shoes! The manager even praised me yesterday! え〜ほんと? Is that so? あ・・来週は一緒に働けますか? Are you going to be able to come in next week..? うん!もちろん! You bet. それはきっと・・・未来のワタシにつながってる Those things will surely connect to the future me! あなたにピッタリの働き方が、きっとある。 アルバイト パート募集中 Your perfect work ethic is surely out there as well! Now hiring part-time positions! All original video rights belong to マクドナルド公 (McDonald’s) Translated and subtitled for educational purposes No malicious copyright infringement intended _ This channel and project is a supplement to our Learning Japanese YouTube channel and video series where we use English-Japanese translated content as a resource. If you’re interested in learning Japanese online with hundreds of free resources and guides, feel free to check out:
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