[WATCH IN HD TURN ON CAPTION FOR SUBTITLE] —Idk what happened with my after effect. when I tried to export it, some part of the edit just came out without the effect, I tried so many times to fix it and it almost made my hard disk corrupted, but still can’t read it so it turned out so weird for example the text effect at 0:46, so I’m sorry if there’re transitions or effects that kinda off. Btw, I waited for this drama so much and it turned out just good(?) well I feel something’s missing in the drama and it kinda confused me at some part (bcs it’s quite different from the webtoon) but still, the CGI is insane and the actors acting are superb! Also........... WHAT TF IS 2K???!!!! asdfhhgakdkk Y’all guys are crazy!! Ughh this is so precious thank you soo much for 2K subs! -INFO- Fandom: Sweet Home Song: Sick Thoughts - Lewis Blissett Coloring: xMaddsTutorials Programs: after effect, FCP Disclaimer: I own nothing except t
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