4K 2015 JBDF Japan International | SLOWFOXTROT with Pattern Figures | Professional Final
1. Feather Step SQQ(Q)
2. Bounce Fallaway With Weave Ending S&QQ QQQQS
3. Three Step QQ(S)
4. Natural Hover Telemark SQQSQQ(S)
5. 1~8 of Reverse Wave SQQSQQSS
6. Hover Feather QQ(S)
7. Fallaway Reverse and Slip pivot SQQS
8. 1~4 of Reverse Wave SQQS
9. Basic Weave QQQQQQ(S)
10. Hover Telemark to PP SQQ(S)
11. 1~3 of Feather Ending SQQS
(16 bars)