Puppers, woofers, doggos (even snip snap doggos) ... are all good boyes. they mastered not only the art of mlems but also the art of bleps as shown in the thumbnail and many more useful skills like wink wonks and sometimes even bamboozlement.
Please like & share this video and I’ll be a good boi too and do a second part!
Thanks for all the permissions!!!
Wise Woofers:
🏆 Chase Cutler
🥈 Wheel
💝 Tyro Lavine
💝 Generic Scottish Channel
💝 Nick Moran
💝 Matty Harrison
💝 joshua xd
🐕 Yoshi Doshi
🐕 datruemlgmaster
🐕 Mr. Megaman
🐕 L² Studio
🐕 Vegan Nomad Chick
🐕 Hanna Liauchonak