You are IMMORTAL! 32 FACTS! Science and the Bible!

1. You are unique! Your body stores information about your past, present and future. 2. Your DNA is a kind of “historical document“ that records where you came from, who you are and who you will become in the future. 3. The tools of modern genetics allow us to ask questions about your DNA about history and your origins. And it’s amazing!! 4. Your genome is the Creator’s encyclopedia. In digital form, its information would take more than 3,000 data storage devices with a capacity of 100 gigabytes each. 5. In the archives of human DNA, modern geneticists have found a lot of evidence of biblical history! 6. Based on the analysis of DNA mitochondria, it has been proved that all people on Earth have one foremother (mitochondrial Eve), as it is said in the Bible. 7. The information recorded in DNA says that the entire human race descended from one family (Adam and Eve) only 6,000 years ago. 8. The DNA of all mankind turned out to be almost the same, and there are very few genetic differences in people. Therefore, people of different nations can interbreed and give birth to fertile offspring! 9. This confirms the biblical story! God created one human race! The human genome says that different groups of people could not come from different animals or from UFOs. 10. It is human DNA, and not animal DNA, that gives us the ability to think, transmit the Word, build Churches, walk on the Moon, and not eat each other’s fleas like chimpanzees. 11. DNA contains confirmation of the biblical story that the human race is not so old and originated, as the Bible says, 6000 years ago! 12. It’s been established that each next generation is a degraded copy of the DNA records of previous generations. The human genome mutates, that is loses information. 13. A study of the rate at which human DNA loses information shows that the first woman (mitochondrial Eve), our foremother, lived only about 6,000 years ago! 14. This discovery drastically reduced the period of human origin to the time frame indicated by the Bible. 15. Your genome keeps the secrets of a planetary catastrophe. Science explained the small number of people on the planet and the lack of their genetic diversity by the fact that not so long ago, humanity went through a CATASTROPHIC effect, which led to almost complete extinction. 16. So the biblical story of the global flood was confirmed by modern discoveries of genetics!! 17. 4400 years ago, the human population was sharply and rapidly reduced to only eight souls, from which the current population of the planet originated. 18. Therefore, there are three main mitochondrial DNA lines in the world today. They are named with the letters “M”, “N”, “R”. 19. These lines came from people who survived in the ark during the global flood. These are the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, Japheth. 20. Also, our genome confirms the biblical story of how God gave people different languages, and how races were formed. 21. Different languages, as well as racial traits, have been programmed into human DNA from creation. 22. After the global catastrophe, people didn’t want to spread out over the planet and started building the Tower of Babel, and God used the various languages already embedded in human DNA to divide people and populate the entire Earth with them. 23. It has been proven that the speech apparatus is genetically embedded in the human brain, and it couldn’t evolve. Therefore, to this day, new natural languages do not appear, but only disappear along with the peoples. 24. There was not and couldn’t be any evolution of genes “from simple to complex”, the entire set of genes capable of forming different groups of people and languages originally existed in human DNA from creation. 25. Today it’s scientifically proven that almost all genetic variations in humans could be carried in themselves by only two people, as the Bible says. 26. Various skin colors and other characteristics were formed as a result of combinations of an already existing set of genes, put into people by God from creation. And this surprises many! 27. On the day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God again gave the Apostles and holy men the ability to speak and preach the Word of God in the languages of peoples they didn’t know. 28. The Bible is scientifically and historically reliable, and even more so, it’s reliable theologically! 29. Theology is the science of immortality and eternal life! And this is the most important thing for humanity! 30. If the Bible is so accurate speaking about earthly history, then surely it is accurate speaking about eternity. 31. The genetic code in your body says that the Creator will recreate, resurrect your body even from dust, so that you will give an account of the things done in your body, according to that you have done, whether it be good or bad. 32. Subscribe to find out and not miss your life purpose!
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