📫 Pullman Bread (Pullman Loaf Bread)
🎵 Oven
Preheat 200℃ / 392℉
👉 Bake in 190℃ / 374℉ preheated oven for about 30 mins
🎵 Pullman bread pan I used
Top: 17cm x / Bottom: 15cm x 11cm / Height:
* If possible, I would like to recommend using the same or similar size pan because it gives a better result.
🎵 Ingredients
▷ water 120g
▷ milk 135g
▷ instant dry yeast - faster version 7g(2tsp) / slower version 4g(1tsp)
▷ sugar 30g
▷ salt 7g (1 1/4tsp)
▷ melted butter 30g (can replace with oil)
▷ bread flour 360g
✨ Egg salad (approximate amount)
▷ boiled eggs 9ea
▷ mayonnaise 3~4Tbsp (If you add a little, it will be light, if you add a lot, it will be softer)
▷ sugar 1~2Tbsp (Adjust the sweetness to your taste)
▷ a little bit of salt
▷ a little bit of pepper
▷ option) mustard 1tsp
* This is the approximate amount of ingredients I used, so add all the ingredients below, but adjust the ingredients as much as you want according to your taste. (Less fat or less sweet)
* Do not add a lot of salt from the beginning, but add more after checking the seasoning.
💜 How to keep it
* Refer the video from 12:11 😀
#pullmanbread #sandwichbread #nokneadbread
📫 Pullman Bread (Pullman Loaf Bread)
When I was pregnant, I often made Pullman bread.
I was very limited in what I could eat due to morning sickness, but I was able to eat sandwiches that didn’t have a strong smell.
Because Pullman bread is baked with a lid on, it feels more dense in texture than regular bread (mountain-shaped bread rising upwards), and I like its unique chewy feel.
* The taste of this bread was inspired by the taste of super-mature(超熟) bread from PASCO, a Japanese bread company.
This is a bread that I really liked. It is light yet savory and has a great flavor, so I never get tired of it even if I eat it often.
It’s not exactly the same, but I think it’s almost similar.🤗
* I wanted to make bread that would be delicious as a sandwich, delicious even when spread with jam, and even delicious just as a bare bread.
This Pullman bread is light and not too sweet, but the overall balance is good, so even the edges of the bread are delicious.
This recipe has become my favorite after making it often during pregnancy, so if you like Pullman bread, try this recipe.😊
* I’m introducing a faster version that can be completed quickly and a slower version that can enhance the flavor.
Because I had to film while taking care of the baby, I made a faster version of the video so I could complete it faster.
Usually, I want to make bread with good flavor, so I make slower version often
It’s true that it takes a lot of time, but it’s not that burdensome because I can do chores and other things while fermenting.😝
(However, I will say it again, the faster version is delicious enough! However, the slower version has a stronger savory flavor.)
* Perhaps because it is no-knead, will it really be a Pullman bread like those sold at the bakery? You might be thinking,
But... it works. As you can see in the video, the bread is as soft and textured as if you bought it from a bakery, so trust me and give it a try.👍
_ by Kkuume
🧸P.S. Since having a child, it has become very difficult to film in a quiet space without any noise like before...🤣
In addition, because we had to continue taking care of the child and taking care of it while filming, the video like today was created. ha ha ha.
Sometimes a child’s sound is included in the middle, and sometimes a crying sound is included.
Let’s do my best without losing the identity of the tutorial video!! I tried it with this thought in mind.
I would appreciate it if you could understand my desire to try something.🙏
Well, everything will work out in the future, right?? Hehehe~~ 😝
💌 My first baking book ‘No-knead home baking without a machine’ has been released in Korea. 😀
If you’re interested in this book, should check this link.
(Note : It’s written by Korean and can purchase only Korean offline or online book store)
🚩 paper book :
🚩 e-book :
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : Nice Day -
* This recipe is my creative work what I put my passion.
* Unauthorized theft, re-uploading, and secondary editing are prohibited.
ⓒ 2023. 꾸움Kkuume. All rights reserved.
1 view
4 months ago 00:05:43 1
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