Sims 4 Fairytale Castle | Stop Motion | 模擬市民4 童話城堡 | 速建與下載

❤Open for more Infos❤ This video is created by my sister: Bella. () 請勿轉載 謝謝您! 💗Give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you like it. Thank you so much for watching and don’t forget to hit the bell notification.💕 _________________________________________________ Lot size: 30 x 40 Lot type: Residential Lot 住宅用地 3 Bedroom x 2 Bathrooms 三間臥室 X 2間浴室 Packs used 使用的資料片: Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Discover University, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Jungle Adventure, Vampires, Dine-Out, Romantic Garden Stuff ⚠️⚠️ All beds I used are by peacemaker, they have updated the beds for the new patch. 所有的床組都更新為最新
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