10 Amazing Animals That Saved People’s Lives!

From rescue rabbits to surprising animals with outrageous amounts of courage, here are ten wild stories of animals saving people that you won’t believe! Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10: Gorillas Save Lives Gorillas may look big and mean, and some of them definitely are. But an incident back in 1996 showed that some gorillas have compassion even for humans. It all happened when a three-year-old boy fell into the gorilla enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. 9: Mila the Beluga Whale Saviors come in all shapes and sizes. Even a whale can save the day. Take the story of Mila the Beluga Whale, who saved a diver from certain death just recently. A young woman was in the middle of a free diving contest when disaster struck. 8: Lucky Pig Everyone needs a lucky pig. Not only are pigs adorable and super smart, but some pigs save lives. Take the heroic pig named Lucky that saved its family from a devastating fire. This happened after a fire broke out in the family’s mobile home early on a S
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