Sexy Fit Boot Camp - HiitMax #2 The Prep

16 интервалов, 50 секунд каждый и 10 секунд между ними. 1. Bicep Curl and Press. 2. Tricep Dip. 3. Around the World. 4. Bent Over Row. 5. Side Jump. 6. Burpees. 7. High Knees. 8. 1/2 Burpee Tuck Jump. 9. 2 Press-Ups, Burpee, Tuck Jump. 10. 10 High Knees, 10 Mountain Climbers. 11. 2 Press-Ups and Jump Board. 12. Frog Jump, 2 Push-ups. 13. 2 Press-Ups, Burpee, Tuck Jump with weights. 14. Lunge, Press, Twist. 15. Single Arm Press. 16. Press-up, Row and Twist. Еще больше тренировок в нашей группе Будьте здоровыми, красивыми и сильными!
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