Слово к народу в притчах . A Word to the People in Parables.
73. Слово к народу в притчах. Мф. 13, 1–3; Мк. 4, 1–2; Лк. 8, 4.
Притча о сеятеле и семени. Мф. 13, 3–9; Мк. 4, 3–9; Лк. 8, 4–8
Притча о плевелах. Мф. 13, 24–30.
Притча о постепенном развитии семени. Мк. 4, 26–29.
Притча о зерне горчичном. Мф. 13, 31–32; Мк. 4, 30–32.
Притча о закваске. Мф. 13, 33.
73. Word to the people in parables. Matt. 13, 1–3; Mk. 4, 1–2; OK. 8, 4.
The parable of the sower and the seed. Matt. 13, 3–9; Mk. 4, 3–9; OK. 8, 4–8
The parable of the tares. Matt. 13, 24–30.
Parable about the gradual development of the seed. Mk. 4, 26–29.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed. Matt. 13, 31–32; Mk. 4, 30–32.
Parable about leaven. Matt. 13, 33.
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Orthodox spiritual and educational courses: - for everyone who wants to learn about Orthodoxy - for those who are looking for answers to spiritual questions -who wants to consciously enter the life of the Church -who has been visiting the temple for a long time, but has many questions Holy Scripture. Catechism (Orthodox faith). Moral theology. The history of the church. Courses at the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All who mourn“ Shchekino.
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