Mars video - Panorama of Jezero Crater Delta

Intriguing Martian rocks surround NASA’s Perseverance rover in this panorama showing an ancient river delta, made from images captured by the Mastcam-Z camera system. This mosaic, which combines 1,118 individual frames, is the most detailed landscape panorama ever returned from Mars. The delta in Mars’ Jezero Crater is an area where scientists surmise that, billions of years ago, a river once flowed into a lake and deposited rocks and sediments in a fan shape. Deltas are believed to be the best places on Mars to search for potential signs of ancient microbial life. Arrival at the Jezero delta has been a primary goal of the Perseverance mission since the rover landed in the crater in February 2021. The panorama shows sedimentary rocks of great interest to scientists. The Perseverance rover has abraded the surface of several rocks in this area and acquired compositional information. It also has collected rock samples that the Mars Sample Return campaign could bring back to Earth
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