Skitzo The Bear In Birds Of A Feather! (1921)

Oh happy days, those animation historians have done it again and found another rare Skitzo the Bear film from 1921! “Birds of a Feather!“ was one of the few films that actually lasted more than a few days in theaters due to the fact that the film itself would melt and fuse into the projector boxes it was played in, resulting in unstoppable loops of the animation and an inability to remove it from the sealed/melted projectors. Theater owners complained it drove their audiences into fits of mad sobbing and spontaneous bloody noses, many of them pulled out their teeth and hair from watching the complete version of this scrap. Sadly a complete copy of this short is not expected to be recovered since every copy was burned within the projectors that played them. Skitzo the Bear Are Owned By Crystal Gonzalez
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