1527 - Sai Bhakti Geet | Devotional Hymns and Bhajans | Thursday Special
#guruvar #guruvarspecial #thursday #morningbhajan #worldpeace #prayer
On the holy Thursday, let us sing His glory, His sweet Name and redeem ourselves through this special offering,“ Sai Bhakti Geet“
In each age people followed one of the four paths only; whereas the people of Prashanthi Nilayam, experiencing all the four paths is indeed very fortunate. Guna sankeerthana, Leela sankeerthana, bhava sankeertana and Nama sankeerthana- the amalgamation of these four is our bhajans. There is a path that is more unique and significant than these four- ‘Nama likhithame’, writing the name of the Lord. Thinking in the mind, reminiscing with speech and writing with the hand- this is the way to sanctify the three faculties. Unification of thought, word and deed is the greatest of the ways. - BABA
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