Fighting using WING CHUN - Chu Shong Tin

Back in the 50s and 60s, it was a common practice to challenge other martial arts schools in Hong Kong. There was no internet and no online arguing and people tested their arts by meeting up and trying it our with bare-knuckle fights that usually took place on the rooftops or parks around Hong Kong. Chu Shong Tin took on a lot of these organized fights when people challenged Ip Man’s school (as did, Wong Shun Leung, Lok Yiu, Leung Sheung and other senior students of the time). So his ideas in real fighting (with very little rules) is from personal experiences of those days between 1951 and 1964. After that he opened his own schools and his students took on the challenge fights. In the 70s, it these such fights became illegal because people were getting hurt very bad and a few deaths happened because triads were getting deeply involved in martial arts schools and challenge fights by this time. So CST would encourage his students to enter tournaments to
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