how to make friends without being social (for uni)

#loneliness #makingfriends #bocchi Socially akward and shy, but still longing for friendship? This video introduces some ways to make friends in university without forcing yourself to socialize or behave like an extroverted bubbly person. Some references to “Bocchi the Rock“ are made. Links: 1: oliSUNvia’s “video: “self-centredness is NOT “self-care“: losing the human face online“ 2: Salem Tovar’s video: “TikTok “Self-Care“ Trends Are Making Gen Z’s Loneliness Epidemic Worse“ Reference to the book: NHKスペシャル取材班, 無縁社会 (Disconnected Society) (文藝春秋, 2012), [page 3].
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