Screaming sounds in the woods, rocks thrown at camera - Georgia, 2013

In June of 2013, due to a lethal combination of monumental boredom and small town syndrome, I left my camcorder in the woods to record the wildlife. After several hours in the dense jungles of suburbia, I checked my footage only to find some bizarre vocalizations on the audio capture. After talking to a neighbor buddy about the incident, I proceeded to leave the camera out again a few days later. Unfortunately, said neighbor’s teenage son (who was present for the prior conversation) got the genius idea to mess with me by hiding out of view and making cave man noises, because FUNNI JOKE HAHA. I, however, was not made aware of this until years later, long after the video was uploaded. I guess he didn’t plan on his * b r i l l i a n t * prank helping this video get three and a half million views. That said, the first part of the video is anyone’s guess. TL;DR: First half before the cut is real but of unknown origin, second half is a lesson on the importance of birth control. The video w
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