Linkin Park - Numb ( Instrumental Remix by VB)

My instrumental arrangement of the Numb song of the American multi-platinum rock band Linkin Park. This song is very close and special to me. Hearing Numb a long time ago, I just couldn’t get over it for a while. The song is so beautiful and exciting that after listening to it, feelings and emotions began to boil in me, goosebumps went through my skin, a powerful text covered my thoughts, a state of shock did not leave me, and Chester Bennington’s insanely graceful voice sounded simply magnificent, so piercing. However, in this voice I felt pain. The pain from relationships, the pain from a difficult childhood and life in general, which has become stronger over the years. What Chester sings about. This voice was with me in the most difficult and meager moments of my life, an angelic voice, with a powerful scream. The song Numb was written back in 2003, but so far it remains relevant. A beautiful combination of pianoforte, with an explosive guitar sound, shrouded in bass lines -
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