Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2 Launch Trailer [PEGI]

Get Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 of #LifeisStrange2 launches this Thursday, January 24, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam)! The two brothers continue their journey into the winter months & struggle against the cold. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean decides they must make their way to their distant grandparent’s house to recover. During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbour Chris, a young boy who believes he is a super-hero by the name of Captain Spirit. Sean insists on Daniel following a set of rules around his power. Will Daniel keep his power concealed or break the rules in a time of need? Music used in this video: “Personal Crossroads“ by VHPR “Runaway“ by The Rigs Check out our Playlist of Trailer Music here:
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