Inside the battle for Bakhmut where Putin’s troops are meeting tanks, guns and their bloody defeat

The Sun has joined Ukraine’s troops in captured Russian positions after a fast tank assault in the “Meat Grinder” battle for Bakhmut. A dead Russian soldier lay rotting in a World War One-style hellscape of craters, barbed wire and battlefield trenches. Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade launched the surprise attack last week, using tanks and armoured infantry to smash through Putin’s front lines. They advanced 1,000 yards across farmland south of bomb-blitzed Bakhmut in the first major gains for months. Footage showed assault squads clearing bunkers with hand grenades as a tank charged into a wood, sending Russian soldiers fleeing. Russia continues to blast its way forward in the city, block by blood-soaked block. Continue reading... The Sun newspaper brings you the latest breaking news videos and explainers from the UK and around the world Become a Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: Like The Sun on Facebook: Follow The Sun on Twitter: Subscribe to The Sun on Snapchat: #russia #ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainenews
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