Cineviews In Brief No. 38 (1937)

Item title reads - Cineviews in Brief (No. 38). 01:55:51 - Siberia, Russia. M/S of men stacking up crates and putting the mail into sacks. M/S as the sacks speed away across the snow on a sled led by reindeer (?). M/S of two aeroplanes standing on the snow, these are getting ready to take the mail on the next part of its journey. The pilot waves after he has got in. M/S as one aeroplane taxis and the deer try to run away, frightened by the noise. M/S as the sled driver waves to the ’plane as it flies overhead. 01:56:43 - Ried, Austria. The camera pans across crowds gathered in the square for the horse fair. Various shots of dappled horses. M/S’s of brown horses. M/S as more are shown, M/S of some standing in a field. 01:57:20 - Estonia. M/S of salmon spawning, a man scoops the spawn out of a tank and transfers them to a bowl. M/S as we see them through a magnifying glass. M/S as a man wades into the Keila-Joa river with two buckets in his hands. M/S as he gently pours the fish into the r
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