Beautifying! Where To Put The Accent! (1938)

Titles read: “Beautifying! Where to Put the Accent!“ Various quick shots of beautiful female models. Commentator explains they have asked Jean Barrie, ’Beauty Editress’ of ’Woman’s Fair’ to show us where to put the accent on our beauty. A woman sits at a dressing table. C/U of her face “with hardly any make-up“. Her eyebrows are pencilled in by a woman in a smock - could be Jean Barrie? Commentator says “A subtle touch of eye shadow completes the picture“ - not to mention the false eyelashes, mascara and lipstick that have appeared! C/U of the girl before and after her transformation - the finished make-up is very heavy. A middle-aged woman sits at a dressing table. Her grey hair is combed into a more modern and attractive style. We see her before and after. A brunette is see wearing dark-rimmed glasses that make her look quite severe. They are replaced by clear frames and her mouth is painted with dark lipstick to draw attention away from the specs. We see her before, reading ’Woman’s F
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