Russian News (1956)

SOVIET AIR FORCE DISPLAY IN MOSCOW Moscow, Soviet Union (USSR). LV. Vast crowds walking to Tushind airfield. LV. Distant shots of antiaircraft firing to announce the opening of the Air Force Display. LV. & GV. Flypast of aircraft carrying banners allegidly reading “Glory to the Soviet People“. GV. VIP’s including President Voroshilov and Premier Nikolai Bulganin in box. SV. From left to right: Georgi Malenkov Soviet Commissar for Power Stations, Vjaceslav Molotov Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bulganin and Soviet Communist Party Leader Nikita Khrushchev. LV. Four engine “Bear“ bomber escorted by two MIG 17 fighters - MIG’s look like toys. LV. Three large jet Badger bombers flying past. GV. Crowd. LV. Formation of YAK 17 fighters spelling out “Glory to the Communist Party“. SV. Russian soldiers watching. LV. Delta wing jet fighter passing over (2 shots). GV. Group of VIP’s staring into sky. LV. Four jet fighters climbing in perfect formation. SV. Foreign Air Force officers watching. GV. Double rotor helic
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