South Of Zero (1931)

Full titles read: “SOUTH OF ZERO ! - Some experiments with liquid air at the Faraday Exhibition, London.“ Intertitles read: “South of Zero to be precise, about 200 degrees below freezing point - lies a new world, cold, deadly, but intensely interesting - the domain of liquid air.“ Good M/S’s of the liquid air machine. A man describes how it works. Good C/U of two dials. M/S of a man filling up a large test tube with liquid air from the machine. M/S’s of a man demonstrating how quickly a parsley plant can be frozen by dipping it in liquid air. He then does the same thing with a banana. To prove it has frozen solid he hits it with a hammer and it shatters into pieces. He then freezes liquid mercury. The man then carries out experiment to show that liquid air conducts electricity. C/U of liquid air being poured between two electric magnates. The liquid forms a small “bridge“ between the two magnates, though as soon as the power is turned off the liquid falls away. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH
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