1805 - 1930 (1930)

Full titles read: “1805 - 1930 ! Something new in contrasts. - Portsmouth Gun Contrasts - Hampshire.“ Intertitle reads: “The old wooden walls of England - the famous “Victory“ - getting gun crews ready for Naval Week - handling guns as they did a century ago -“ L/S of HMS Victory. Various shots of the several sailors on deck preparing and loading a cannon with cannon ball. A lieutenant stands next to them issuing orders. The men push the cannon forward. The lieutenant issues the order “FIRE !“. The sailors pull the cord and there is large bang as the cannon fires. At the order ’Repel Boarders the sailors pick up their swords and rush to the side of the ship. They cheer and wave their swords menacingly. Intertitle reads: “A bit different to this modern crew working on a 6“ gun aboard HMS Champion.“ L/S of Marine playing bugle to wake up sailors lying on the deck of the modern warship of the Royal Navy. Several shots of sailors preparing 6-inch gun for firing. A bell rings and the gun is fired. An
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