Tropic Matters (1911)

Sub title reads: “Our Jungle Cameraman sends us his weekly report from the Amazon.“ M/S of an Amazonian man hand cranking a movie camera. He looks directly into the camera that is filming him. Intertitle reads: “Monday subject photographed ’Darwin’s Pal’.“ M/Ss of a small monkey eating something (images badly decomposed) - probably unusable. “Tuesday subject photographed ’Hornbill - a parrot with an ambitious nose’.“ - M/Ss of Hornbill - also decomposed. “Wednesday subject photographed ’Two hoots - this is not a Scotch joke’.“ Two strange looking birds - owls? “Thursday subject photographed ’Wombat - he wears his rings on his tail’.“ L/S of two wombats (presumably although they don’t look like wombats to me!). “Thursday P.M. subject photographed ’Cranes and aigrettes - all dressed up and nowhere to go’.“ - Birds fly past the camera. Various shots of the birds - images quite badly decomposed. “Friday ’Went fishing. P.S. Please okay expense accounts. Benny’.“ - Ends here. Note: mo
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