Along The Stour (1929)

No title. L/S of part of the river Stour near Canterbury. In the distance there is a building built over the river, two little archways let the river pass underneath and the building is reflected in the water. L/S of another building over the river, this one actually looks like it is a house. M/S of part of a church or other religious building on the river’s edge. “At King’s Bridge, the quaint ancient timbered houses - “ C/U of beautiful timbered buildings with floral window boxes right on the river’s edge. “Here work the Canterbury weavers, who have revived the craft of the original 16th Century Flemish settlers.“ M/S of a woman spinning a wooden frame which has yarn wound around it. C/U of another woman working at a primitive hand spinning machine. M/S of woman at a small loom. C/U of her hands as she passes the bobbin between the warps (or wefts!) M/S of another weaver at work. “The hand-woven materials have their own individuality.“ C/U of a piece of fabric being shown to the camera.
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